Blog Archives

Parenting Out of the Trenches – Who Should Work with a Parenting Coordinator

Parenting Coordinators work with parents who meet the following criteria: (1) are in the process of getting divorced or are divorced; (2) have signed a consent custody order or who have been through a custody trial and a court has entered a custody order; and (3) are either deemed high conflict by their presiding judge […] Read More.

Parenting out of the Trenches Blog – What is a Parenting Coordinator?

In North Carolina, a parenting coordinator may be appointed in custody cases. Custody, which means both decision-making and physical time with children, is resolved either by agreement (if entered by a court, it is called a consent custody order) or a custody order entered by a court following a custody trial. Unfortunately, entry of a […] Read More.

New Year … New You?

If you are resolved to change your circumstances in 2018 and that change includes divorce, then here are some tips for you: 1. Trust yourself. You can do this. Yes, divorce is a difficult process but if you are confident your decision is the right one for you, then move forward with certainty that divorce […] Read More.

Back-to-school Checklist for Parents after Divorce

When my children started elementary school, we were not getting out the door without chaos. School required us to get organized, so we could all be successful. I realized this new phase of life could use some helpful guidelines so I created a checklist and posted it on the back of our front door. It […] Read More.